Express Fitness Workouts

Express Fitness Workouts


Posted 2013-07-24 by Ashleigh Dwyerfollow
Fitness workouts for those who don't have much time.

20-minute express workouts
If you are struggling to find the time to exercise then these simple workouts will help give you the motivation to exercise, get fit and burn off some calories in the shortest amount of time.

20 min express workout #1
Two minutes of stair running
One minute bridge
20 sit-ups
Repeat five times
Running sprints

20 min express workout #2
Five minute run
40 walking lunges (20 each leg)
Repeat as many times as possible in 20 minutes

20 min express workout #3
Skip, hop and jump
One minute skipping: Jumping with both feet together
One minute skipping on left foot
One minute skipping on left foot
One minute of bell jumps: Place the skipping rope on the floor and jump backwards and forwards over it
Repeat three minutes of skipping
One minute of ski jumps: This time jump left to right over the rope
Repeat as many times as you can in 20 minutes

Power Workout Number 1
This workout is for toning
One minute skipping
10 squats
10 push-ups
10 crunches
Repeat four to five times

Power Workout Number 2
24 dynamic lunges: Alternate legs with each lunge
24 squats
12 power lunges: Jump in and out of the lunge position
12 power squats: Jump in and out of the squat position
Perform three to four sets cardio and weights
Two minutes running on-the-spot

Power Workout Number 3
One minute of squats with shoulder press: Use a weight or medicine ball if you have one, otherwise any five to 10 kilo weight will work.

Two minutes of jumping jacks
15 triceps dips
15 push-ups on a bench or table
Two minutes of fast pace, lateral jumps: Side-to-side over an imaginary line
Desk pull ups: Sit beneath a dining room table, grabbing the outside with an underhand grip, using your arms, pull your body up and toward the table
One minute of the abdominal bicycle: Fast paced diagonal sit-ups, where the alternate elbow and knee touch

Power Workout Number 4, Intense Cardio

One minute of step jumps: Use a low step to jump up and down from
One minute of butt-kickers: Running on-the-spot, with heels tapping your butt with each move
One minute of upper cuts
One minute of alternate arm punches
One minute of cross jumps: Jump in an imaginary cross, forwards, backwards and to either side, return to the centre after each jump.
Power Workout Number 5
10 narrow pushups
One minute (on each side) bridge with underarm tuck
20 Sumo (wide leg) squats
10 wide pushups
20 static lunges on each leg
Make each exercise last one minute, before moving onto the next.

These are just a few good workouts that you can do, all from the comfort of your own home and after a few weeks you will really start to see results.

89370 - 2023-06-11 08:07:11


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