Eureka Tower
The best part about visiting the is the lift-ride up to floor number 88. According to the 'voice' in the elevator, it travels nine floors a second. It certainly is an ear-popping, slight stomach-churning experience.
Then there's the vertigo you experience when looking out on the sights of Melbourne. The views are incredible day and night - the city just stretches out forever and it's easy to believe you are as high as you can possibly be.
Every landmark has easy-to-read information about it, and there are look-out pointers to help locate each one. The observation deck stretches around the whole building, and there is also an enclosed outdoor area. (For those who want to brave the wind and cold that high up. Apparently the building can move about three centimetres in strong winds.)
Braver people can pay a little more and experience life on 'The Edge'. The Edge is an entirely glass box that extends three metres away from the building. You get to stand on 'nothing' and look down at the city from 300 metres up in the air. People who dislike heights should probably give it a miss! Please note, the scary sound effects aren't real.
The downside to The Edge is cameras aren't allowed. If you want pictures, you need to purchase the ones staff take of you. (Fifteen dollars for the first and $10 for each after that.)
It costs $18.50 per adult to visit the observation deck at Eureka tower, $14 concession and $10 per child. A family costs $42. Going out on The Edge costs extra.
For more information, please visit
213584 - 2023-06-16 06:56:02