Epic Sounds - Queensland Symphony Orchestra
Sat 26 Jun 2021
Epic Sounds; QSO
Conductor Benjamin Northey
Soloist William Barton, didgeridoo
BARTON Apii Thatini Mu Murtu (To sing and carry a coolamon on country together) 17'
VERDI Overture to La forza del destino 8'
SIBELIUS Symphony No.5 in E flat, Op. 82 30'
"%%It is hard to imagine the QSO without Jill. As long as I
can remember, Jill has been here. Jill is first on stage, first
at the venue, first to tune and first to every orchestral
rehearsal call.Jill loves music, is a passionate musician and has passionate opinions. She also knows her ballet cadenzas impeccably and has a great laugh!%%" KATHRYN CLOSE, CELLO
Two people will be front and centre in our memories of this magnificent concert. Let's begin with Jill Atkinson who, after 47 years as Principal Harp, retired after the concert. She got to choose the Verdi - largely, as she herself said, because it show-cased the harp so well. And certainly after the lively and spirited performance, the applause had an extra dimension of appreciation, affection and farewell.
William Barton in 1998, at just 17 years of age, began his journey with Queensland Symphony Orchestra, and in 2002 performed with them again, premiering Peter Sculthorpe's 'Earth Cry'. Now,
23 years later, he writes "I
feel very honoured and humbled to have the opportunity to perform my newest music alongside my QSO colleagues once again. Apii Thatini Mu Murtu or "To sing and carry a coolamon on country together" is about home - my homecoming to Queensland, to perform with my home Orchestra; going back to country and reconnecting with Kalkadoon land; and a unified connection to the land that I hope all who hear this work will feel. I am reconnecting to country and breathing life into it for my dad who is buried out there, thinking of where he is."
And certainly, for most of us, this was a new experience. Closing my eyes, I was taken to a wide open country filled with noises of wildlife and birds and "thoughts too deep for tears". And then, unexpectedly, William Barton began a chant, taken up by members of the orchestra, for one of the most magical and poignant moments I can remember in the Concert Hall.
This was unique Australian music-making as traditions merged and created something new.
!date 26/06/2021 -- 26/06/2021
115164 - 2023-06-12 18:13:24