The End of Time 2012

The End of Time 2012


Posted 2012-11-18 by Carneyfollow

Fri 21 Dec 2012

It just dawned on me how we have little more than four weeks before the end of time as we know it.

Mayan prohecies, the Chinese King Wen 64 number sequence known as the IChing, and modern solar science all point to a terrific convergence of events and time on December 21, 2012...barely four weeks away!

The biggest event in the recurring cycle of our solar system and galaxy clocking its way through nothing space or dark matter as some call it, the whole of which is about to align with galactic centre meaning we are in for more interesting times, if you can believe it!

Terrence Mckenna in his Archaic Revival computerised and confirmed the number sequence being the genius he was, so if you are a doubting thomas at this stage be careful you don't miss the boat, or a front stage ticket to the big opening event which may blow your socks off or even your mind.

In this fractal view of time space and reality our history is large chunks of human experience, which repeat (different characters) and diminish in size with each step in so called time, meaning for example the rise and fall of the Roman Empire could be repeated any time soon before the big date, just in case any of us missed the last one. Re-runs of a bad television show re-watched until the pennies drop and we realise something big or small and can move on from it.

This may provide a vital clue how best to use this period of rapidly collapsing and repeating events and be prepared for the day when nothing is delivered in the news because there is none. Are you repeating the same experiences which the universe is dishing up and not learning from them? Its a good time to close off old dramas and traumas and clean up the sock draw.

The New Age has possibly done this phenomena a disservice by promoting it as a spiritual awakening but to make a religion or cause of anything is possibly in denial of the event and for Hollywood (2012 the movie) to trivialise it and dish out fear and loathing is well...predictable and in fact part of human consciousness acting out and denying itself the opportunity to heal from itself.

On a practical level solar plasma activity is a much larger EMF (electro magnetic frequency) event than your mobile phone or the local power station you use to charge the handset, these technologies will all be obsolete.

Think about life without these devices and your ATM card for the supermarket which wont run anyway without electricity. Think about your loo and the millions in the city you share with and what happens to sewerage when the current stops flowing? Its practical to be simple again with composting toilets and realistic access to food water and food. If in your mind you have a backup plan failing technology you are more likely than not to be prepared for it, whatever it is or turns out to be.

If a fraction of what the prophecies and modern science say is true than I can offer one more suggestion which should help you through easily

Aim to finish your christmas shopping by the 21'st and be prepared to have it early just in case the new calender moves the date leaving your family and friends stranded. Don't panic too much about the mortgage or the credit card.

Ready or not, enjoy the event anyway.

!date 21/12/2012 -- 21/12/2012
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