Ellensbrook Homestead
We were on a Southwest day trip when we stopped at Ellensbrook to have our lunch on one of the picnic benches there. Afterwards, we explored the surrounding environment and learnt about the rich history attached to this lovely place!
Ellensbrook was one of the first settlements in the area and although the cottage was inaccessible whilst we were there due to some renovations, it was stunning from the outside and one can sense the rich history that lies within it.
The homestead itself is named after Ellen Bussell who was one of the original residents along with her husband Alfred. The home was built by convicts, local Noongar people and deserting seamen. Over the years, generations of Bussells lived in the home before it became a home-farm for Aboriginal children.
Before the Bussell family settled in the area, it was a popular camping spot among the local Aborigines for thousands of years. The beautiful scenery that surrounds the cottage makes this easy to understand!
81400 - 2023-06-11 06:09:11
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