Elizabeth - Melbourne Fringe 2017
Mon 18 Sep 2017 - Sun 24 Sep 2017
Don't miss 'Elizabeth' at The Butterfly Club this week in the 2017 Melbourne Fringe Festival on now until Sunday 24 September. Book your tickets
here .
Established musician Lisa Crawley appears as her alto ego 'Elizabeth', a beautiful and talented professional musician with a nightly ambition - to fill her tip jar at hotels, bars, and onsens, across London, Los Angeles, and Japan.
Set on Christmas Eve, Elizabeth shares the highs and lows of the musician's life - fielding requests to turn down her volume, competing with hotel Christmas music and inebriated punters making unwelcome advances whilst visiting the toilets. As a lounge musician, Elizabeth witnesses the best and worst of humanity as she performs her repertoire of over 2000 songs, to an inattentive audience. Then one night she meets Luke, and they go 'Up in the Air'.
This is a profoundly intimate cabaret narrated through Elizabeth's indelible showgirl smile, beautiful voice and authentic storytelling. You will be drawn in by her humour, realness and depth as her musical story unfolds.
Lisa Crawley is seriously talented - navigating fluorescent lights, keyboards and pedals, she recreates her original songs, looping sounds with audience interaction, taking requests, and never misses a beat.
Make sure you see 'Elizabeth' and make her night by filling her tip jar, and buying her new album 'Up in the Air' with all the original songs from the show.
!date 18/09/2017 -- 24/09/2017
218116 - 2023-06-16 07:41:19