Edible Flowers to Grow in the Garden

Edible Flowers to Grow in the Garden


Posted 2016-10-18 by finyfollow
Make sure you read to the end and watch the video giving you all sorts of ideas on using edible flowers. I started growing nasturtiums recently and found they had a very interesting taste, so decided to find out what other flowers are edible.

These plants are so easy to grow! I took mine from a street verge and re-planted them and some 4 months later, they have spread everywhere and spring is the time for those lovely flowers to come out in abundance.

The flowers are yellow, red, orange and a pink and in these colours they also vary in shades. I made nasturtium scrambled eggs for brunch out of the flowers and leaves!

Calendula flowers are also used in moisturisers, and they are a common one used in salads.

Calendula flower petals are another one that is bright and colourful and therefore is great added to salads. They are sometimes known as "poor man's saffron".

If you break the petals, they also look great frozen in ice blocks or added to your summer drinks for a very attractive look.

Violets, Violas, Native Violets, and Pansies all have edible flowers. They look exquisite used on top of cakes, or, once again, as a delicate dessert garnish. Violas and pansies have a mild pea flavour.

Violets are both easy to grow and attractive. They are loaded with phytochemicals and medicinal goodness which have been used in the treatment of numerous health problems from the common cold to cancer. They were once referred to as nature's vitamin pill as about half a cup of the leaves can provide as much vitamin C as three oranges.

Perhaps more well known are zucchini and pumpkin flowers as these are widely used in Italian cooking.

Zucchinis and pumpkin flowers are similar and are often stuffed and fried, and there are many recipes available using these easy to grow vegetables.

Another quite common one used in cooking is lavender.

These have long been used in biscuits or sprinkled on things like ice cream.

With lavender, the English variety is the best to cook with, and you simply remove the individual small flowers from the core of the plant.

Please always check before eating a new plant/flower, and do not consume large quantities until you are sure you are not allergic to them!

EDIBLE FLOWERS can truly enhance the looks of your cooking, as well as the taste, and here is a very cute clip of Australian edible flowers.


87164 - 2023-06-11 07:33:26


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