LST Support Services' Easter Egg Hunt at Decker Park - CANCELLED

LST Support Services' Easter Egg Hunt at Decker Park - CANCELLED


Posted 2020-03-11 by Tony Dyerfollow

Everybody is welcome to come along and take part in LST Support Services' Easter Egg hunt to be held at Decker Park , 18 Twenty-fifth Avenue, Brighton on Thursday, 9 April, 2020 from 11.30am until 2.30pm.

While the day is there for everybody to enjoy a special welcome is extended to all children, teenagers and young adults who have a disability and live within the local north Brisbane community to come along with your families make new friends, socialise and have a mountain of fun.

It's sure to be a day of enjoyment with the understanding it has been planned as day of safety and inclusivity for kids of all ages, including those older 'kids' who bring their children along with them.

Without any restrictions on numbers, everybody can come together and enjoy some organised Easter activities such as:
  • A massive Easter egg hunt (over 200 eggs to find);
  • Egg and spoon races;
  • Egg catch game;
  • Egg crafts which include a prize for the best-decorated egg;
  • Easter bonnet decorations; and
  • An Easter colouring-in competition.

  • The fun's not going to end when the activities do because that's when the prizes for each participant and winners will be given out.

    You can even make the day more special for yourself and the kids by volunteering to assist the organisers in running some of the activities and helping make sure everyone has a great time. If you would like to assist please contact LST Support Services on 0411 329 177.

    Other ways you can help make the day unforgettable are to:
  • make a donation of some Easter eggs to LST Support Services before the day; and
  • make sure you bring along some yummy treats to share out during the Easter lunch on the day.

  • Please Note:
    To make sure there are sufficient Easter goodie bags to go around please RSVP by 6 April, 2020 on 0411 329 177 before the big day.

    LST Support Services host regular events celebrating various occasions during the year for children, teenagers and young adults with disabilities. You can keep up to date with everything that's going on through LST's Facebook and Instagram pages.

    LST Support Services is solely owned and operated by Liam Sue-Tin. With a passion for supporting and caring for others, Liam offers support services to people of all ages who have a disability or impairment. He also tracks their progression as they strive to reach their goals. Having extensive experience in working with high needs clients with challenging behaviours and complex medical needs, LST Support Services clients are guided towards suitable:

  • Life skills and support;
  • Personal care;
  • Community access and transport;
  • Social and recreational activities as part of a group;
  • Fitness through, for example, gym work, outdoor activities, football, swimming, hikes, walks and jogs;
  • Attending concerts and social events;
  • Accompanied interstate and international travel;
  • Pick-ups and drop-offs; and
  • * Overnight stays.

    For more information on this exciting day as well as other available services and events check out LST Support Services' Facebook and Instagram pages, email to [email protected] or phone Liam on 0411 329 177.

    #family -attractions
    186523 - 2023-06-16 02:49:56


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