East Parkland Parrots

East Parkland Parrots


Posted 2019-01-02 by Barry Silkstonefollow
There are several glorious rosellas feeding in the short grass that separates a group of towering eucalypts from an urban stand of olive trees that are still harvested annually. The rosellas are the white-cheeked variety and the male is quite distinct from the female with his more vibrant plumage. The birds are probably feeding on fallen blossom, seeds and the occasional insect.

Adelaide's parklands are a haven for birdlife. And the parklands by East Terrace and Wakefield Street seem to have more than their fair share of colourful parrots. A little creek runs through this recreational area providing a varied habitat for wildlife. As well as the parrots, water birds, possums, magpies and honeyeaters and a host of other creatures find refuge here.

Along East Terrace, opposite some grand old houses, several grevillea robusta trees are flowering. I can hear the raucous call of lorikeets feeding on the blossoms and after a while on adventurous bird perches amongst a nearby flower; nice pose for a picture!

Several extensive playing fields surround the park and they attract some of the larger parrots like galahs and sulphur crests which use their powerful beaks to dig for tubers and bulbs in the softer earth.

My walk around the parklands has been rewarding and I have photographed three species of parrots so far. In the hope of finding some more birds I follow the little creek and scan the foliage of a massive red gum that overhangs it. Luck is with me and I notice an Adelaide rosella fly out of the canopy to feed in shadows at the base of the tree. These beautiful birds are less common around the city where the white-cheeks tend to dominate.

With my photographic instincts satisfied my thoughts turn to lunch. It is a short walk past the children's playground, then to Restorante Bocelli on the corner of Hutt and Wakefield streets for a Panini and coffee. In truth, this little corner of Adelaide has something for every occasion, be it enjoying wildlife, photography or a family picnic..... Parkland, Parrots, Playgrounds and Panini.

144667 - 2023-06-13 21:22:32


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