Discover the Archives: Ballarat
Fri 12 Sep 2014
Public Records Office Victoria are visiting Ballarat for a special free event on 12 September from 9.15am to 3.00pm.
The collection holds almost 100 kilometres of records dating from the mid 1830s to today.
Two workshops are to held for getting around the block: property and land research in the Ballarat region and Just Digitise It.
Learn about the services and resources available at Public Record Office Victoria, Ballarat Library and the City of Ballarat's Heritage Database.
Come and learn how to digitise your collections and gain experience in the process of digitisation from planning through to publishing online.
If you would like to attend register online
here .
Come and discover the archives in Ballarat on 12 September from 9.15am to 3.00pm.
!date 12/09/2014 -- 12/09/2014
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