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Home > Sydney > Comments > Did the Sydney Morning Herald Copy a WeekendNotes Article?
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I am not so sure... it's a topic I wrote about on another site last year... The SMH article is much more detailed and the places that are mentioned in both like Art after Hours and the Bondi walk are both very welll known cheap ideas...

Perhaps we are being a little paranoid. Surely everyone gets ideas from the various things that they read online and then if they think it will work for their readers try to improve on them.

I admit the timing is suspicious but I have had blog posts scheduled to appear only to find someone like timeout beats me by a few days...

The jury is out for me.
by Paula Morgan (score: 1|28) 4227 days ago
by Karen (score: 2), 4227 days ago
Even if they did just get the idea from reading it here then surely giving a credit would have been the correct thing to do, especially if they didnt think they had done anything wrong.