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Thanks Nadine for a great read.
I have been a patient from Bali 911 but have noticed the massive change in hygiene and they have upped their prices considerably in 14 months. I go to Bali every chance i get and am now in the hunt for a new dentist that will provide a safe & hygienic place to have my further dentistry done.

by leeha (score: 1|10) 2695 days ago
by leeha (score: 1), 2684 days ago
I most certainly will - i am looking at having yet another crown and i have been back from Bali for 3 weeks and the implant work done by Bali 911 has come loose already - So no happy with them. I will most definitely let you know how i get on - Cheers Lee :-)
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 2695 days ago
Thanks Lee,
Glad you enjoyed the story.
Would love to hear how you get on so do keep me in the loop. Cheers Nadine