Dayboro Art Gallery
Have you been to Dayboro lately? It is just a short drive from the Brisbane area from almost anywhere in Brisbane. If you want to know how long it will take you to get there check on Google – distance from your suburb to Dayboro! It is less than an hour from the Brisbane CBD. The town has a
history going back to 1875!
It is a popular spot for weekend visitors as there is so much to see and do there. I have already written about
Hay Cottage and the Historical Society and
Visitor Information Centre, and will be writing about a few more of the great places to visit shortly.
There's plenty to do for all the family, from places to eat, see, shop, and parks for the children to play in.
It is also a good week-day destination or those folk who are seeking adventure during the week, as many of the places are open all week and it is a little quieter than the weekends!
Art Gallery is a favourite spot to visit there, with a range of art works by local artists who run the
Gallery . There are some 30 artists from around the Dayboro and Moreton Bay region who contribute to the Gallery, and the work is ever changing.
The Gallery is open 7 days a week from 10 am to 3 pm.
#art -and-craft-centres
219689 - 2023-06-16 07:54:13