David Helfgott at Mundaring Weir Hotel: Celebrating 30 Years
Sat 07 Mar 2015
In celebration of 30 years of playing at the Mundaring Weir Hotel, David Helfgott will return to share a wonderful program with hotel audiences for one final performance at the historic hotel on Saturday 7th March 2015.In honour of this special occasion, David will perform Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata – one of the pinnacles of the piano repertoire - and other well-loved romantic piano works.
Following this event, David will continue his current national and international tour, which includes performances at the Melbourne Recital Centre in Melbourne, the Mozartsaal in Vienna, Berlin Phiharmonie in Berlin, as well as a series of concerts in Istanbul.Born in Melbourne in 1947, David showed extraordinary pianistic ability from an early age, winning the state finals of the ABC's Instrumental & Vocal Competition six times and was invited to London to study at the Royal College of Music. David has played venues around the world (including the Mundaring Weir Hotel) and won numerous prestigious awards along the way, however, it was not until the release of 'Shine', which is based on David's life, that he was internationally recognised.
Through the success of the award-winning film, David's music was embraced by a wider audience, which led to achieving a number one selling CD (a recording of Rachmaninov Third) in Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom.David continues to play to capacity crowds in Australia, the US and UK.Don't miss this opportunity to see this multi-award winning musician, who is renowned for his remarkable technical and interpretative prowess.Tickets are now on sale and are priced $58.
Click here to make a booking or phone 9295 6098.For more information on this event, please visit www.mundaringweirhotel.com.au
!date 07/03/2015 -- 07/03/2015
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