20 Dates to Have at Home

20 Dates to Have at Home


Posted 2014-02-07 by Ranyhyn Akuifollow

Haven't had date night with your partner in a while? Tight purse strings, bad weather or no babysitter are no excuse for no romance, stay in and kindle the fire at home for a change with this list of uncomplicated stay at home dates:

1. Have a lantern lit picnic dinner in the backyard then lay back and gaze at the stars above.
2. Plan a round the world trip together with the help of Google, even if it might have to wait until you retire together.
3. Find a new dinner recipe (Google again?) and cook it together. Food fights are encouraged.
4. Afterwards, whip up a special dessert and feed it to each other by candlelight.
5. Have a games night with old school board games like Clueless or Life. Don't have any? Pick some up at op shops or the Lifeline Bookfest.
6. Make your next movie night different with themed food and snacks to accompany it.
7. Get to know each other with a series of random questions. to ask your partner to get to know them better&oq=questions to ask you pa&aqs=chrome.4.69i57j0l5.11435j0j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122&ie=UTF-8 Hit up Google again to get some ideas.
8. Watch a whole season of your favourite TV show. This one might need more than one date.
9. Set up a treasure hunt for each other with something special to find at the end, wink wink. May not work in a small apartment.
10. Build yourself a tent in the loungeroom and roast marshmallows over a candle (it's possible!).
11. Battle it out in the kitchen with a mystery box cook off after a trip to your local markets for some interesting produce.
12. Host a private DIY wine and cheese tasting with goods picked up at a local bottle shop and deli.
13. Not wine drinkers? Switch it for beer! Hop around to local breweries or even just a good bottle shop (First Choice has a huge selection) and try the craft beer revolution for yourself.
14. Do fondue. Get yourself a fondue set or just make do with a cooking pot and melt up a sweet or savoury pot of dipping goodness.
15. Play at being bartenders and whip up some crazy cocktails. Be warned, this one could get pricey quickly!
16. Be productive and sort through the spare room, the junk closet or wherever it is you store all your random 'stuff.'
17. Get competitive and play video games together. Don't have a console? Rent or borrow one!
18. Lose hours watching funny videos on YouTube together.
19. Instead of a movie, watch videos of your favourite comedians, or some you've never heard before. You'll be in stitches for days reminding each other of the best lines.
20. Write a bucket list together and start planning how you can tick it off (no morbidity intended).

89430 - 2023-06-11 08:08:06


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