Cycling on the Gold Coast

Cycling on the Gold Coast


Posted 2013-02-02 by Susan Jacksonfollow

Cycling is a great way to get fit. Whether you are a keen cyclist or it's been some years since you were out on a bike, take a look at these cycling opportunities on the Gold Coast.

First up is the Bike Fest at Broadbeach (Pratten Park, Sun 10 Mar 2013, 10am – 3pm). For a "Celebration of cycling in everyday life, for fun, fitness and small travel". For beginner or experienced cyclists, there will be music, food, activities, entertainment, expos and electric bikes.

Also on the 10th of March (and running to the 13th) is the Asia-Pacific Cycle Congress 2013 . The inaugural event was held in Brisbane and the 2nd APCC will be held on the Gold Coast (10-13.3.13). Here's your chance to join cycling enthusiasts and experts from around the world. Participation is open to anyone with an interest in cycling. Full registration includes attendance at all program sessions, social events, tours and excursions. Click here for Registration details or email: [email protected] for further information.

Bike Week is Queensland's celebration of all things cycling, which is in March too, from the 16th – 24th. There are a range of rides and activities to demonstrate the benefits of cycling. Visit the Bicycle Queensland website for details.

The Gold Coast has more than 600km of bikeways, linking neighbourhoods, schools, foreshores and parks. The bikeway maps can be viewed here or you can ring the Council offices if you want a hard copy, on (07) 5582 8453. Use them to plan a few hours with your friends and family on a weekend.

If you are keen to join a cycling club, there are a number of cycling clubs on the Gold Coast. Click here for club contact details .

If you are interested in completing a triathlon (swim, ride, run), then the Luke Harrop Memoria l will take place at Southport Broadwater Parkland on Sunday 14th April 2013.

Perhaps off road cycling is more your thing. The Gold Coast Mountain Bike Club would welcome you to their club which was established in 1990. With over 150 members and easy access to some of the best trails in Australia, it has become one of the largest and most successful clubs in the country. The Saturday Social cross country ride is a good way to join a group, who mainly cycle in Nerang National Park (Nerang State Forest). They depart form the bike shop at 15 Price Street, Nerang (2.30pm for exp and 2.45 for all other levels). You can ride 3 times then decide whether you want to join or not. They are friendly and it's a good way to meet new people with a common interest.

If you have a teenager (over 15's) you want to encourage to get on their bike or you are a beginner, the council are running a series of free workshops designed to get you back in the saddle (bookings required). There's "Get Back On Your Bike" on the 9th of March 2013 at Broadwater Parklands or Broadbeach Pratten Park 20 April or Coolangatta Queen Elizabeth Park on 9 June.

Also from the council are workshops for families. "Better Bike Maintenance" will show you how to clean your bike, repair punctures, adjust brakes and maintain the chain. They are on Saturdays from 1.30pm- 3pm at: Miami, Pizzey Park 2 Feb and 20 April or Runaway Bay 9 Mar & 18 May.

"Become a better cyclist" is on in March 2013 at 2 locations: 16 Mar Labrador, Mitchell Park and 17 Mar Coolangatta Queen Elizabeth Park, both 9am – 12 noon.

To book for the council workshops, contact Cycle Skills on (07) 3715 8228 or visit

Once you are back in the saddle, consider a challenge to give your fitness workouts focus and something to aim for. National Ride to Work Day encourages people to leave their car at home and to ride their bike to work instead. That's happening on Wed 16 Oct 2013 so there's plenty time to dig out your bike. Do some maintenance, get out and ride and aim to be riding to work by October. If you live too far from your work, consider parking your car on the way to work and riding the last section. It could be the fitness option you have been looking for.

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