Cycle Dindi 21 - Great Victorian Rail Trail
Sat 17 Apr 2021
Go on a great family adventure these school holidays!Cycle Dindi is on again along the scenic Great Victorian Rail Trail on Saturday 17th April - last weekend of the school holidays.Organised by the Rotary Clubs of Yea and Alexandra, with assistance from Friends of the GVRT, it is a fully supported family-friendly event for adults (seniors discount available) and children. A variety of distances, starting places (Yea, Alexandra or Bonnie Doon) and starting times (8am - 11am) are available. Lunch is beside the Goulburn River - a location to relax, enjoy some food and coffee by mobile van Cafe Amore.The shearing shed at Nutfield is a popular place to stop for Devonshire tea and watch working dogs demonstrate their amazing sheep yarding skills and is included in the entry cost.
CycleDindi21 is a major fundraiser to support Rotary youth projects. Entry forms available at Rotary websites and follow CycleDindi21updates on Facebook. Queries to [email protected] and bookings via direct deposit or through Trybooking. Just look up Cycledindi21.
!date 17/04/2021 -- 17/04/2021
109763 - 2023-06-12 14:37:11
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