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Wow - the government is trying to keep hairdressers employed and you are spreading fear. Not cool.
How about let the health professionals etc make these determinations when needed and stop grandstanding at other's expense.
by cmont (score: 1|10) 1173 days ago
by Jen (score: 3), 1172 days ago
cmont, like u, I’m sure everyone read the ABC article as well which was transparently included in my article n would have picked up on the full picture. With the current climate of leaving the home for 4 things only eg exercise, groceries, medical n work, or facing humongous fines, it becomes apparent where one can go or not. I’m always positive, always concerned for humanity n totally on the government’s side to isolate n lockdown in order to save lives. Keep safe n stay home. Cheers.
by cmont (score: 1), 1173 days ago
Thanks Jen - Balance is definitely good. I did click on the ABC article that responsibly reported opinions from experts on from both sides; a nuance your piece has lacking. I can see your point is to offer ideas when people are stuck at home, however it really isn't necessary to spread fear in the process. Just stay positive. When/if the government shuts down salons, let it be for evaluated health reasons rather public opinion. FYI: I'm rather lazy and haven't been to a salon in years. Assumptions really do not help.
by Jen (score: 3), 1173 days ago
cmont thank u for your point of view. Thank goodness for freedom of speech right? If u click on the link in the article you’ll see the awareness I’ve pointed out comes directly from the ABC news. Assuming adults who read are mindlessly and unintelligently persuaded is not something I take for granted, nor has the article ‘told’ anyone what to do but merely pointed out the safety factors to consider that’ll keep readers safe. After all those in the industry themselves r shutting down voluntarily because they don’t think it’s safe. Just read it in the news. It’s a tough time for everyone and no doubt the industry is very grateful for your continued patronage n your attendance at a hair salon. Keep up the good work. Cheers.