Curled Ice Cream
We found this ice cream stall at Malak Market one day. It was so hot that day and we decided that ice cream would be a lovely idea. It was a great choice; not only was it delicious but because it was amazing to see the ice cream dessert made from scratch.
offers a unique ice cream, crafted by hand. It is made on a -30 degrees metal icepan. First, their special secret recipe of cream is poured onto the cold metal.
You can choose what topping or flavour you want. We wanted to try their mint ice cream, so one mint biscuit was placed on top of the cream. Then "magic" happens when the ice cream maker mixes the cream and chopped the biscuit with 2 metal blades. Within seconds, the liquid cream turned into an ice cream texture.
The ice cream is then spread into a thin layer on the cold metal. The thin layer of ice cream is scraped with the blade into the form of curled up ice cream. The curled up ice cream is then placed in a round container with extra topping and a small chocolate bar.
It is delicious! One thing is the serving size is too big for children. They only have one serving size. Other than that, two thumbs up for .
Curled ice cream has a permanent store location at Coolalinga Shopping Centre on 425 Stuart Highway Coolalinga NT 0839, but they will travel around Darwin to bring their delicious ice cream on their food chart. To find where Curled will make their next stop, you can follow their
Facebook page or call 0455 556 995 for more information.
95495 - 2023-06-12 02:05:41