How to go from Crappy to Happy in 5 Easy Steps
Ever have those days when you wake up and don't feel like getting out of bed? Or life's thrown you a curve ball that has you wanting to climb into bed and hide away from the world?
Well, these quick and easy tips will have you staying out of bed and facing life yet again with renewed vigour, passion and purpose.
1. Water is cleansing and relaxing. Take a shower, draw a bath, dive into the pool and do a few laps, or jump into the nearest ocean. Refreshing and revitalising, it'll take your breath away and remind you of all the joy that being alive brings.
2. Play your favourite music that makes you feel happy. Before you know it, you'll be jigging around the lounge room. Dance like the free soul that you are.
3. Have you ever noticed that when you feel depressed you want to lay around and do nothing? Fight the urge – get up and go for a walk, cycle, or run. Exercise raises endorphins – our feel good hormones. Just move that body baby!
4. Laugh! Watch a YouTube clip – hire a comedy – phone a fun friend, listen to your favourite radio show. Or splurge and go to a fun park for the day.
5. Get busy. Clean that cupboard you've been putting off doing, wash your car, weed the garden, walk the dog, prune the trees – just do it. Guaranteed you'll feel 100% when you have completed even the most mundane task.
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