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Count to One Million

Home > London > Hobbies
by Matthew (subscribe)
WEN Editor
Published January 23rd 2011
Chances are that if you told someone that you just counted to one million, they would probably tell you to get a life. But if you're sure that you've got many weekends ahead that are going to be very boring, you've got nothing to lose. Why not give it a try?

Counting to one million demands a great deal of patience and perseverance. You could probably count on your hand just how many people have achieved this. Should you wish to belong to such an elite club, simply remember the old saying, "How do you eat an elephant? One piece at a time."

Basic mathematics reveals that one million is a number comprising one thousand thousands. You merely count to one thousand, a thousand times over.

Try not to count to one thousand and start again from one to one thousand again. Such mindless repetition has a way of discouraging you from your final goal. Don't you want the pure ecstasy of uttering, "Nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, one million"?

Simply count to one million in blocks of one thousand. For example, you might decide to start at one and take your first break at five thousand. After that, count to six thousand; take another break and count to seven thousand.

Sticking to blocks of one thousand and taking regular breaks is the best way to pace yourself when counting to one million. Only attempt such a feat when all your friends are going to be absent for a prolonged period of time and you've got nothing else to do.

Count to One Million
Counting Numbers
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Why? Another way to develop persistence
When: Anytime
Where: Anywhere
Cost: Free
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