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Home > Adelaide > Comments > How Are You Coping Under the Australian Coronavirus Lockdown?
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Hello, when we had to stay at home at first my actions were aimless, skipping from one job to another, didn't work. So, brought some structure to my life, now I also have a daily plan starting with a walk in the morning, doing one of my listed jobs in the morning, have a break at lunch time & read a book for an hour. Another listed job in the afternoon then a break & some craft, usually patchwork also try to do my tai chi during the afternoon then a walk again just before the evening meal. With the structure life has a purpose & the flow on effect is feeling so much better with yourself. Keep safe & well. I suppose I should add I'm in my 70's
by yardg (score: 0|6) 1175 days ago
by Vanessa (score: 4), 1175 days ago
Thank you for sharing. A daily plan seems to be the key. Craft, tai chi and walks all sound lovely :)

All the best to you and your loved ones.