Coombe X Vinomofo Summer Garden Party

Coombe X Vinomofo Summer Garden Party


Posted 2019-01-02 by Nadine Cresswell-Myattfollow

Sun 20 Jan 2019

Dame Nellie Melba would have loved this. A garden party in her beloved home Coombe. You've probably seen her famous hedges on the drive to Healesville but now is your chance to peep behind.

Coombe Yarra Valley has paired with the world's most epic online wine retailer, Vinomofo (a wine retailer that claims to take the BS and bowties out of the wine industry) to bring you the inaugural Summer Garden Party at Dame Nellie's on Sunday, January 20, 2019.

This wine soiree is the epitome of summer elegance with the best of wine, food, and good times.

Your ticket includes free-flowing Coombe wine for the afternoon including Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Rosé, Sparkling Blanc de Blanc, Pinot Gris, Shiraz and tasting of Coombe's Tribute range to Dame Nellie Melba herself. And a selection of craft beers for non-wine drinkers.

You can be one of the first in the world to try Coombe's London Dry Gin, a brand new tribute to Dame Nellie Melba.

There will be an oyster bar courtesy of Sydney Rock Oysters and canapés and tasting boards prepared by Executive Chef Neil Cunningham.

Enjoy the live entertainment or turn your hand to playing some lawn games including croquet, bocce and giant Jenga.

There will be complimentary tours of Dame Nellie Melba's stunning gardens. Some of the trees are well over a century old, with one oak rumoured to be over 180. Viewing these enormous gnarled beauties gives a sense of timeliness and continuity.

There are Italianate gardens and English-style herbaceous borders such as peonies, delphiniums, hollyhocks, dianthus.

The gardens were prepared in 1909, under the direction of W.R.Guilfoyle the curator of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens.

The famous Edna Walling was also asked to do some design garden work but the two strong women had a bit of a falling out. I can just imagine the sparks flying.

The garden still, somehow bears her stamp with stonework and a series of compartmentalised spaces, like different "rooms" in a house. Dame Nellie eventually ended up employing three graduate female gardeners from Burnley for as women they were unable to get work. Nellie Melba often championed women's rights.

There is a charming swimming pool with Romanesque pillars. Some say Nellie's was the first house in Victoria to have its own pool.

One can imagine Dame Nellie in her neck to knee swimmers and frilly cap doing her laps, then stopping for a breath at the far end to look out over the magnificent view of the Yarra Valley with its patchwork quilt of mauve and green. She would never know quite what a wine region it would become.

So with more than a few tipples, fine food and a tour of the fine garden this sounds a perfect Sunday in the country.

For an additional $20, you can also organise bus transport to and from this event. For tickets #tickets ">click here.

This event is strictly an over 18 event.

For another lovely Sunday afternoon of pleasantries and beautiful gardens, also consider Acre of Roses in Trentham that are also offering Sundays in the Country during January and February. Click here for more details.

!date 20/01/2019 -- 20/01/2019
165297 - 2023-06-15 01:18:17


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