Community Open Day - Reconciliation in Ipswich
Fri 27 May 2022
The Ipswich City Council is presenting
Community Open Day – Reconciliation in Ipswich on Friday 27th May 2022. This is a day to celebrate the new cultural facilities at Hardings Paddock while also enjoying the tradition
Kup-Murri cooking and other cultural practices.
Kup-Murri is a traditional Torres Strait Islander Feasting Ceremony, which is mainly performed at weddings, births, funerals and tombstone unveilings. The food is cooked in an earth oven, which consists of a shallow pit in the ground. Men and women have specific roles in this ceremony; men are responsible for hunting and catching the food and women are responsible for preparing vegetables and harvesting fruits. The Kup-Murri enables the individuals to reconnect with the four elements that maintain life.
Join in the Open Day Programme where you can hear from local guest speakers, watch the demonstrations, enjoy live performances, take part in the native plant trail walk and learn from the environmental activities.
This event also includes the official opening of the permanent Kup-Murri Cooking Pit and new landscaping element including gardens, totem-like sculptures and a yarning circle.
To attend this community event,
registration is essential. Please note as this is an outdoor event with some uneven surfaces, we ask that you wear closed-in shoes, bring a hat, water and sunscreen. Of course, if you are unwell with a cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath or fatigue, please stay home.
Reconciliation Week is celebrated each year from 27 May to 3 June and is it a time where we can build positive and respectful relationships between Australians and celebrate the amazing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Location is at
Harding's Paddock Campground , Carmichaels Road,
Purga from 10.00am to 2.00pm.
!date 27/05/2022 -- 27/05/2022
150610 - 2023-06-14 04:27:03