'Coming Home' from Gallipoli at ANZAC Cottage
Sun 02 Jul 2017
The first contingent of our WWI servicemen left from Fremantle on October 1914 and sadly for many, they would never see these shores again. But what of those who may have survived the landing, but suffered injuries and/or illness in this conflict?
Friends of ANZAC Cottage invite you to the '
Coming Home'
Open Day at
ANZAC Cottage on
July 2, 2017 from
1.00pm to
4.00pm to find out more.
The day will feature
two talks at
1:30pm and
2:30pm discussing the return of these wounded and sick servicemen on the first two troopships to return to Western Australia in July 1915. The reactions of the returning servicemen and women, as well as the emotive media reports that accompanied their arrival, are explored.
The first troopship, SS Kyarra arrived at Fremantle in mid-July 1915 with a great reception and much emotional outpouring from the citizens of Western Australia. The second troopship, the HMAT Ballarat berthed at Albany, and the wounded and ill men then journeyed to Perth where they received medical attention and reunited with their loved ones.
ANZAC Cottage (
take a peek ), located at 38 Kalgoorlie Street, Mt Hawthorn offers free entry, with afternoon tea available for a gold coin donation.
The Friends of ANZAC Cottage are collecting information on servicemen and women who served in any conflict, and who are or have been associated with the City of Vincent.
For more information on the Open Day or the collection of veteran's details, please contact Anne by emailing
[email protected] or call 0411 44 55 82. Their
Facebook page is a great way to keep in touch with the Cottage.
%%Photos: courtesy of Friends of ANZAC Cottage unless otherwise noted.
The illustration: 'The Hospital Ship Galeka' by Ellis Silas taken from
Photo: Soldiers on SS Kyarra is from the ANZAC Cottage private collection.
Photo: Soldiers on HMAT Ballarat: Acknowledgement Australian War Memorial Photo number A00887 from
Artwork: by John F.
!date 02/07/2017 -- 02/07/2017
165632 - 2023-06-15 01:45:24