The Colour Run Gold Coast
Sun 18 Aug 2019
The Color Run is coming to the Gold Coast. Take part in 5km of color sharing fun, on Sunday 18 August, 2019, at Broadwater Parklands. Wear white and at each kilometer mark different coloured powder is thrown - your goal is to finish decorated rainbow style and have a whole lot of fun doing it.
The run is untimed. There are no finish positions. It's open to everyone, from seasoned runners to first time runners and everyone in between. Your success is measured in how much fun you have and the fun continues after you cross the line, at the Finish Festival.
Now the largest running series in the world, the Color Run has been experienced by over six million runners in over 35 countries. The six million runners are not the only ones to benefit – to date the Color run has donated more than $5 million to charity.
So get your family together, call your friends or bring your workmates and take part in an event designed to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step, in true rainbow fashion.
For more details and to register, visit:
!date 18/08/2019 -- 18/08/2019
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