While it is still making it's way around the country, with races still to come in Townsville, Sunshine Coast, Perth, Melbourne and Wollongong, the first registration for the 2014 race season starts this Thursday, 5th September. Sydney has embraced the Color Run enthusiastically, selling out twice in 2013.
The 2014 Sydney race is on Sunday, February 9th, and the first of a 16 city tour. There is no reason to miss out on the fun now!
So if you have missed talk of the
Color Run, it's a 5km fun run deemed the happiest race on the planet. Dressed in white, you run the course being sprayed with paint as you go, ending in a rainbow of colour, and the joyous colour throw.
I defy anyone not to love it, and have a feel good high by the end. Perfect for young and old, join the party and know that a small percentage of the registration fee is going to charities around the country.
Registration details, and further city dates and information are
here. Clear the diary and get in quick! Join in the colourful party.
Registration is currently open for the following 2013 events also:Townsville, Australia October 6, 2013
Sunshine Coast, Australia October 13, 2013
Perth, Australia November 3, 2013
Melbourne, Australia November 24, 2013
Sydney Sunday 9 February 2014 from 2pm