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Home > Australia > Comments > What is the Best Supermarket?
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I find that Coles & Woolies whilst convenient are more expensive than independent Suppliers - these may not necessarily be other super markets but vegie suppliers & delis which also employ Aussies and in regional areas, local growers. One example comes to mind - Italian coffee $5.99, the same brand and size in Woolies is nearly $9. Vegies are fresher and local cheese is very good value. The only reason to shop in the 'big two' are specials & cat food. They are supposed to be cheaper because of buying power, not true as far as I can tell
by lynro (score: 0|6) 3315 days ago
by Dayna Chu (score: 3), 3315 days ago
That said, we do shop at a local veggie shop occasionally, and you're right, we do find some items more affordable; certain varieties of apples especially.
by Dayna Chu (score: 3), 3315 days ago
Good to know; thanks. I also shop at the big two due to convenient hours (earlier and later) and home delivery options.