Coding Kids Online Classes
Mon 25 Feb 2019 - Sun 31 Mar 2019
Set your child up for the future with Coding Kids' exclusive range of interactive online classes.Coding is the language of the digital age and can assist with your child's academic performance, creative-thinking, problem-solving skills, communication, focus and organisation skills.Give your child a jump start into this exciting and fast-developing world and they will develop vital life-long skills.
There is no better time to get your child code savvy and with Coding Kids, it has never been easier.Trial online classes are now available from the comfort of your home! Suitable for ages to 7 to 15, this unique range of classes are facilitated by an enthusiastic team of trained, Brisbane-based Coding Mentors.The interactive classes are held in real-time and available after school on weekdays and on Saturdays.
Held in one-hour sessions, your child can share their work with the tutor and receive one on one advice and handy tips and tricks instantly.Depending on the type of course your child chooses, he or she will learn how to write algorithms; creative thinking & innovation; problem-solving, maths and logic; and graphic design and animations.
Choose from:
For 7-11 year oldsScratch: Learn the fundamentals of coding with drag and drop coding blocks.[BREAK]
For 10-15 year oldsPython: Learn your first text-based programming language and build your own computer games.
Web Dev: Build your first interactive website with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
App Dev: Build your first mobile app (iOS and Android) with drag and drop coding blocks.[BREAK]
For all ages3D Modelling: Get creative and learn how to make some awesome designs with 3D graphics![BREAK]
Help your child create technology and not just consume it with Coding Kids' innovative online classes. Book a time that is convenient for you at . All introductory sessions are just $5 per session!Want to find out more? Contact 1300 611 335 or head to
#gold_coast -hinterland
#sunshine_coast -hinterland
!date 25/02/2019 -- 31/03/2019
119035 - 2023-06-12 21:07:45