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Click Frenzy

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by Lesley Mitchell (subscribe)
Author/lecturer/Intuitive/Natural Therapist/Artist/Soap-Maker/Chef. WEBS: or Also find us under RenascentBathBody or RenascentCollege on eBay, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram
Bargains, Savings or Lock Down, Time Will Tell
Do you remember Click Frenzy? It was an amazing marketing exercise that became known as a huge failure. It made a laughing stock of traditional retailers and their attempts to be great online sellers - or so we thought.

shopping, online,click,frenzy,discount,saving,bargain
*Image wikimedia commons, Author: Intel Free Press

However, in meeting with the people who put click frenzy together and listening to their discussions personally, I discovered there is quite a bit more to click frenzy than what the media would have us believe.

Sure, the servers crashed and everything seemed to fail, but in the time that it didn't fail they had astronomical sales - enough to make it all worthwhile yet again, with thousands of successful shoppers.

[ADVERT]This time they promise to have better servers and to keep things online. The head of the organisation says that the networks simply weren't ready for one million visitors in one hit. This time, they're ready for millions more.

It's been the brunt of many jokes, with people saying that they queued up to 16 hours to save one cent on an item, however it's definitely worth taking a look and this time they are promising us even more bargains.

Scheduled now as a reasonably regular occurrence, the next click frenzy event takes place on Tuesday 19th November at 7 PM for 24 hours. They're promising many new deals and 24 hours of shopping madness with incredible bargains. Of course, time will tell whether this is what actually happens, however it's worth clicking to find out.

Listening to their sales team, they advise that Click Frenzy was still Australia's first landmark national online sales event. Launched in November 2012, they aim to expand on the original idea with an ongoing festival of online shopping.

Click here for website.

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Why? The promise of great online savings
When: 19th November for 24 hours
Where: Your place
Your Comment
I saved a bucket load on christmas prezzies coming back for more! Love Click Frenzy!!! Bugger the crash I just waited for all the retailers to come back online... Simple!
by ecomm (score: 0|5) 3508 days ago
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