Clean Up for the Hatchlings 2021
Sat 30 Jan 2021
Since the beginning of time, sea turtles have been returning to the land to lay their eggs on beaches all around the world. While this strategy has served them well in the past, today all sea turtle species are experiencing a range of human-induced impacts that are threatening their continued survival.
The main species nesting on our local Sunshine Coast beaches are the Loggerhead turtle and less frequently, the Green turtle. Even though Australia's eastern population of nesting Loggerheads is only about five hundred nesting females, the Sunshine Coast's population of sea turtles continues to be a small but meaningful sub-population.
The countdown is on for turtle hatchlings to leave their nests and start their ocean journey - such a big event for such little creatures. I know Sunshine Coasters would be keen to help Nature's precious little bundles reach the ocean, and what better way to do this than ensuring these cute little hatchlings have a clear run all the way down to the water.
2021 marks the 8th annual clean up for the turtle hatchlings on the Sunshine Coast. The aim of this awesome event is to inspire the whole community to come together to help clean up Sunshine Coast beaches, in preparation for the hatchling turtles to emerge from their nests across the coast. All the collected litter information will be passed onto the
Australian Marine Debris Initiative Database to help encourage source reduction discussions.
& #128034 ; So what can volunteers expect?
6.00am to. 7.30am - beach clean up will take place at various coastal locations from Coolum to Caloundra (see list below);
8.00am to 11.00am - following the beach clean up, volunteers will meet at La Balsa Park to weigh and sort debris, listen to guest speakers, enjoy a FREE BBQ breakfast and participate in a prize draw.
& #128034 ; What to wear?
Please remember to wear sun-safe clothing and closed shoes;
The Clean Up for the Hatchlings is a single-use plastic-free event, so volunteers are encouraged to bring their own reusable water bottles.
& #128034 ; Clean-up Locations
Coolum - meet at Beach Access 72
Point Arkwright - meet at Beach Access 85
Marcoola - meet at Beach Access 104
North Shore - meet at hut Beach Access 134
Cotton Tree Park - meet at Beach Access 137
Mooloolaba Beach - meet at SeaLife
La Balsa Park
Buddina - meet at Beach Access 201
Warana North - meet at Beach Access 232
Warana South - meet at Beach Access 237
Bokarina - meet at Beach Access 241
Wurtulla - meet at Beach Access 248, Dorothy Anderson Park
Currimundi - meet at Buderim Street car park
Moffat Beach - meet at Eleanor Shipley Park
Shelly Beach - meet at Victoria Tce car park
Happy Valley - meet at Beach Access 296
Dicky Beach - meet at Beach Access 267
Even though the Clean Up for the Hatchlings is a totally FREE event, volunteers are still encouraged to register online, to assist the organisers with numbers attending.
Registration can be done online here.
The free Clean Up for the Hatchlings event is a turtley awesome way to show and share our love for our local wildlife, by getting together and cleaning up for the turtle hatchlings, ensuring they all have a really good start in life. Pick up debris and save the turtles!
Clean Up for the Hatchlings is proudly run in partnership with the
Sunshine Coast Council ,
Unitywater ,
SEA LIFE Sunshine Coast Aquarium and
Reef Check Australia .
All images courtesy of Sunshine Coast Council FB
!date 30/01/2021 -- 30/01/2021
144519 - 2023-06-13 21:15:22