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Home > Perth > Comments > Clancy's Fremantle with Kids
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$34 for grilled barramundi?? The same dish is $26 at the city beach one! Way cheaper than Freo then. Mybe do your research next time. We have eaten at City Beach Clancys sevreral times with kids and we love it, i would highly recommend it to anyone. The decor is quirky and beachy, just what you would expect from a beach side restaurant renowned for its sunsets.
by ukree (score: 0|5) 3055 days ago
by Shannon Meyerkort (score: 3), 3055 days ago
They are actually different dishes, one is served with chips and salad and the other is served with Asian vegetables and three types of sauce. Whether one is better value than the other I can't comment since I have tried neither. But thanks for commenting.