Cividale is a gem of Friuli Venezia Giulia. It is a town of ancient Romans foundations and of Langobardic descent, therefore it is rich in culture and history. One of the icons of Cividale (Italian for Forum Iulii, the native Roman name) is the Devil Bridge, or Ponte Del Diavolo, which, it is told, was built after a challenge with the Devil. In 2010 UNESCO appointed the city as one of the World Heritage cities in the world.
The river that flows across the city is called Natisone. When you begin a stroll from this point, have short breaks while walking and try to check the shops windows out for typical Friulian products to buy or taste. For example, there are cake shops where one can find
Gubana, the characteristic sweet made from raisins and dunked with grappa. What is grappa? Grappa is a famous strong liquor from the Northern regions that derives from the skin of grapes. After several boiling and steaming sessions, the grapes' leftovers are transformed into this aromatic spirit.
If you walks straight up the street you will be at the beautiful square. Here, there are several popular buildings: the tea shops, the Zuckerfee patisserie, the old house of Paolo Diacono (a former Langobardic poet, writer, monk and public figure), with the frescoes' remains,purple flowers, the elegant fountain and the tourism office house.
Proceeding through the alleys we reached the Langobardic Temple site and paid a visit to the closed church. Anyone would be amazed by the beauty and perfection of this little temple. Stuccoes, frescoes, decorations of grapes and Saints' statues are the main core of the architecture.
After this leap into classical history, the newest big thing to see is the Cultural Centre. ttorio Podrecca-Teatro delle Meraviglie di Maria Signorelli is a remarkable exhibition of marionettes, that have been collected over the years by Maria Signorelli (a former artist and impresario born in Rome) and Vittorio Podrecca, a famous entrepreneur of marionettes who was born in Cividale and established the
Teatro dei Piccoli in 1914. This museum is absolutely not to be missed.