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Honestly, I am not optimistic on the impending outcome for this building. Petitions are a good idea but they often do not achieve much. Being heritage listed is its best hope but it is only being considered for listing now. There is not much time left before demolition. So, it is a matter of urgency. How fast can a consideration for heritage listing be passed through?

You are going to great lengths to preserve our history. And the fact that you have made me and others aware of the significance of this building is a really great thing. Otherwise me and many others included could have dismissed this place as just another building.

Somethings are worth fighting for but do not lose too much sleep over it.
by Yin-Yin Ow (score: 3|1596) 3917 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3917 days ago
And thank you for your support :)
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3917 days ago
A protection order could be made tomorrow, if the Heritage Council felt that it was warranted.

I will be very disappointed, but not heartbroken if the building is demolished. But there are *thousands* of Jade Monkey fans and others who remember The Cellar who will very unhappy.

The listing nomination has already made the news on Adelaide Now, and may be in the Advertiser tomorrow. The fight is far from over!