The City of Kingston Australia Day Celebration 2019
Sat 26 Jan 2019
Australia Day 2019 with a FREE breakfast at
The City of Kingston Australia Day Celebration on
Saturday 26 January from 8am to 11am at
Kingston City Hall, 979-985 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin. It's first come, first served as there are no allocated seats. Doors open at 8am for an 8.34am start at this buffet breakfast and you need to
REGISTER for this
free event. If you have any dietary requirements, please email
[email protected]
Witness 80 incredible Kingston residents become Australian citizens and be there for the
Australia Day Award Winners reveal, which includes
Citizen of the Year and
Community Group of the Year. Recognise people who make outstanding contributions to the community, including the gifts they bring to multicultural Australia like language, culture and traditions. It only adds to, and enriches our diverse Australian society, and way of life, and becomes a part of our rich history. Come along as a proud Australian and celebrate this wonderful country we live in.
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