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Home > Everywhere > Comments > Cirque Du Soleil: Totem - Australian Tour 2014
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After a awe inspiring show I saw a few years ago, I dug deep into my wallet to take my whole family to see Totem from premium seats.
What a punch in the guts!!!!! 15 minutes late, then 30, and the audience starts its own show of dynamic clapping and stomping of feet -an upset crowd is not good. Cautious voice comes on - the show will start shortly,clunk goes the speaker. 10minutes more and the crowd performs again with passion,a screech of speakers and...... the show will commence in approx. 20minutes. A chorus of boo-ing and many rise to their feet d walk - to a hopeful refund window. Nope. Others decide to drink their frustration down with a $15 beer or complain - this is the matinee of4.30, now 5.30. With more spacious seating the show starts and the stars of performance put their superior bodies on the line with amazement and respect. But he show is thin between acts,not as before, and key acts seem alone without dazzle of 'extras' and their entertaining subplots.Still the focus is drawn to the actors performance. Still thin was the comedy acts, not rushed,more fiddling to fill in time which became explained now as i review the show to see major acts missing. I am a fan of C.du.S..... with a 'can do no wrong' view of them. Perhaps that is why I have an empty feeling in my gut today. Glimpses of past glory repeaTed but a financially struggling troupe all up a bit too thinned out. Many beautiful courageous acts.
by basin (score: 0|2) 3140 days ago