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Home > Christchurch > Comments > Christchurch 'Red Zone' Earthquake Tours
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Great article Julian. Up until now I've only had in my mind my own memories of the beautiful city that Christchurch was, and the TV pictures of the devastation in the immediate aftermath of the 'quake. It's good to see some signs of clean-up and rebuilding and hope for the future.
by Geraldine Massey (score: 3|8182) 3956 days ago
by Julian Groneberg (score: 3), 3955 days ago
Hi Geraldine, thanks so much for the comment and reading. It is amazing how the quake still affects everyone in Christchurch but how before going t here I ne'er really considered how it must bento live somewhere when an event like that has occurred. Hope u enjoyed Christchurch as it is a pretty place :)