Chill Out Lounge at Time Square Centre
Ever thought of escaping the heat in Dubai by simply sitting in the refrigerator to cool off? Try going to Chill Out Lounge this summer instead, not for the food, but to simply enjoy the cool atmosphere with a delicious cup of hot chocolate.
Chill Out Lounge, as the name suggests, is a café with the indoor temperature set permanently at -6 degrees Celsius located at Time Square Centre in Al Quoz. Visiting the café for dinner with friends would have been a good idea, if we were looking to talk through chattering teeth and blaring techno music.
At the cost of AED 60 for entry, we were all given a complementary jacket with a wire of fur on the hood, which gave everyone a lion-like appearance in photographs, but keeping the hood on was necessary in order prevent turning into an icicle.
The lounge was not very spacious, with tables lined along the corner and ice carvings filled up the remaining space. Thankfully, today did not seem like a busy day there, as it was hard to imagine walking in a freezing, crowded room where you can't feel your own feet. Once seated at our table, we were all offered complementary cups of either piping hot tea or hot chocolate, the latter being better since the tea was rather bland. One of the most appealing things about the lounge were the ice carvings in the shapes of different animals, ice-like crystals that hung from the roof standing as partitions separating tables, and a décor combining the cool white and blue of the ice with contrasting warm red, yellow and pink LED lights near the ice carvings.
The food quality was average and it was a disappointment to find out that the lounge was running low on food supply that day as most dishes on the menu were not available. We ordered a chicken tikka, and paneer tikka which was served hot on a little stove which we used up to keep our hands warm. Then we ordered sandwiches which, to our further disappointment, were served cold. That was meant to be the main dish which was not very enjoyable in the freezing atmosphere.
Our time at Chill Out lounge was short-lived, when the freezing temperature started to get unbearable, and we decided to leave. Chill Out lounge did have its setbacks, but it did give a possible insight into what the lifestyle of people living towards the far northern or southern hemisphere might be like. While there was barely any thrill and the blaring techno music combined with the blasting noise of the air conditioning was not helpful, Chill Out lounge may be a fine place to hang out at during the summer, as a solution to boredom or to escape the summer heat for a little while.
81129 - 2023-06-11 06:03:44