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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Should There be More Child Free Dining Options in Australia?
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It's great to see such robust conversation but let's try to keep it civil. If you find yourself infuriated before you start typing, it might be a good idea to get up, have a coffee or a glass of water, and try to calm down before you craft your response. Accusations of 'child hating' or 'brat rearing' aren't nice, nor is name calling. Most of you are doing the right thing, but it only takes a few to ruin it for everyone else.
by Carly Ogborne (score: 3|4644) 4135 days ago
by Carly Ogborne (score: 3), 4135 days ago
No problems Vanessa.
by Vanessa de Largie (score: 3), 4135 days ago
Thank you Carly! :)