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Gayle I want to go to Charters Towers now. I love history and historical buildings and museums. I am itchy to travel and your series on Charters Towers makes me want to leave right now. Great articles.
by CassandraJoy (score: 3|1021) 2768 days ago
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4), 2768 days ago
Cassandra, I also did a few articles a while back about Townsville, which is only an hour or so from Charters Towers. If you do get up to that area there are some wonderful museums in Townsville as well as fantastic beaches - Army Museum (Jezzine Place and Kissing Point), RAAF Museum, Museum of Tropical Queenslamd and of course Reff HQ (Acquarium). I spent a long time surfing the net to plan our road trip and was glad I had so we didn;t miss any of this stuff. Hope you make it up there some day.