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Home > Townsville > Comments > Charters Towers Weekend Getaway
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Miners Cottage comment. I am not sure how you linked all your articles. Well done, its a great series. The Miners Cottage looks like an interesting place to explore. I think I would have spent a long time in there too. I love curios and antiques and I can spend hours in an antique or retro warehouse, looking around and exploring.
by CassandraJoy (score: 3|1021) 2768 days ago
by CassandraJoy (score: 3), 2767 days ago
Hi Gayle I am just jumping over to your web page now. I met with Elizabeth Quinn on Friday 20th November in Melbourne. We chatted for two hours about Weekend Notes, writing, networking. It was a really worthwhile meeting and we both got so much out of it. I am really getting into the swing of writing. Cheers from Cassandra (Cassie)
by Gayle Beveridge-Marien (score: 4), 2768 days ago
Cassandra, I noticed your comments on the forum a while back about throwing yourself into your writng. Would you like to chat more about this? If so you can send me a message via the contact page on my website and I will get back to you by email.