Chapter Two Books
Ask someone who prefers books to ebooks why they do, and they'll generally be able to give you a long list of reasons. It's the feel of the pages between their fingers, the smell of a book when they flick through it for the first time, or the creases that form in the spine that single out their favourite books. There's many reasons to love a good book, but when it comes to secondhand books there is a special kind of magic.
in Stirling deals exclusively in secondhand books. The books here tell not only the stories of the characters within their pages, but also of the lives they've already lived.
The range is large but the store is small. It's that perfect pokey little bookshop feel. You'll find everything from children's books to literature, popular fiction, recipe books, and biographies. The books can come from far and wide, but each one is carefully selected to make sure that there is always a range of good quality and interesting reads.
One of the most charming aspects of the store is that it's family owned. Nick & Kate (the daughter of well-known Adelaide bookseller Michael Treloar) run the show, but their two young daughters are also a familiar site throughout the store, even helping add up your books and hand over your change. It's not just a business, but there's a real passion to share their love of books and reading.
It's good to take your time looking over all the different books. The store has that unique and comforting smell of secondhand books, and if you flick through the front covers you might uncover interesting names and dates of previous owners.
So why not head up to the hills and check the store out. They're open 10am-5pm Thursday and Friday, 10am-4pm Saturday, and 11am-4pm Sunday. There are plenty of great cafes nearby where you can settle down with your new book and immerse yourself in a different story.
For those who really love their literature there are also author meet & greets, readings, and special events.
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"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies … the man who never reads lives only one." - George R. R. Martin
159924 - 2023-06-14 17:04:10