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Celebrate Guy Fawkes Night

Home > Adelaide > Family | Festivals | Fun Things To Do | Party Ideas
by Natasha Stewart (subscribe)
Food and words.
Published August 20th 2011
"Remember remember the fifth of November
Gunpowder, treason and plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot"

Have Fun with some Sparklers

While many might know the first line of this poem, many also are likely to not know its meaning. It is quite true that the plan to blow up British parliament around 400 years ago holds little significance in Australian life, but a tradition that has spawned from the plot is one that you can enjoy anywhere in the world. Guy Fawkes Night, also known as bonfire night, can be a fun chance to get everyone together for a fun bonfire and food with friends and family.

The obvious main aspect of bonfire night, is building a bonfire. Guy Fawkes night is on the 5th of November each year, so you will have to make sure that it doesn't interfere with any fire bans in your area as this can be a dangerous time of year. The other important aspect is your Guy Fawkes effigy. This can be as simple as two wooden broom handles dressed in some clothes, but a popular way to create your own Guy Fawkes is by using old panty hose.

Guy Fawkes Waiting on the Fire

There really isn't any particular way to make the effigy. One way is to grab one pair of pantyhose and stuff them with newspaper, then put some old pants on them. Stuff an old shirt with newspaper, and roughly sew this to the top of the pants. To make your head you can just use a stuffed paper bag, just make sure that you draw the Guy Fawkes face, complete with moustache and goatee. Kids will have lots of fun making their own Guy Fawkes, and then placing him on the fire to burn. If you feel that this is a little too morbid for your children then feel free to leave it out and just enjoy the bonfire. You could always let the kids make their own Guy Fawkes without putting him to the flame.

The Bonfire

If you're in Canberra you'll be lucky enough to be able to set some fireworks off on the night, but if you're not don't worry, there are still other ways to have fun. Grab some sparklers, so that while your bonfire burns you and the kids can enjoy running around with these. Kids will also love toasting marshmallows on the fire, just make sure that you find nice long sticks for them to use. Bonfire Night is also a great opportunity for having a barbecue, so cook up a feast and enjoy it while the fire burns. To finish the night you could head inside to sit down and watch V For Vendetta, a film that classically references Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Treason.

Plan a fun night at home with some friends and a nice warm fire, and use an old English tradition to help make the night a little more interesting. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the 5th of November every year.
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Why? To turn a British tradition into a fun night
When: The 5th of November
Where: Anywhere you can start a bonfire
Cost: Free
We used to love this as kids, then all the laws changed. Although if youve got some iron fillings etc you can make your own sparklers, yet I suppose I dont wish to encourage anyone to make something that might burn them. I think you can still get sparklers from the shops - yet the good old fashioned fireworks are out for most of Aus.:)
By Jody Kimber - senior reviewer
Monday, 22nd of August @ 08:37 am
Bonfire night is celebrated on the June long weekend in Australia due to the total fire bans that are in place. We celebrate each year by building a "huge" fire with Guy Fawks sitting on the top, we average between 40 and 100 friends attending and goes all night and into the morning.Kevin
By kevin - reader
Wednesday, 3rd of September @ 02:27 am
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