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Congrats on your comp place Tony. Wine and cheese is always divine. To Kate, when articles have the same number of votes then from memory placing in the comp is based on who entered their article first or which one was published first. Vanessa would be able to confirm this.
by Irenke Forsyth (score: 3|2727) 2043 days ago
by Irenke Forsyth (score: 3), 2042 days ago
Yes it's always a nice surprise when other writers vote for your article and consider it worthy of their vote. I find the comps are a really nice bonus to writing that when coming either 1st, 2nd or 3rd, it makes you feel good and spurs you on to keep writing.
by Tony Dyer (score: 2), 2042 days ago
Hello Irenke, sorry, I thought I had replied to your original message to say thank you for your kind words. Getting one of those medals is a new thrill for me, in fact, just getting a vote is a new thrill for me.

For sure, thank you for your message.

by Irenke Forsyth (score: 3), 2042 days ago
Thanks for clearing that up V.
by Vanessa (score: 4), 2042 days ago
Hi - It is combination of editor score & article publication date.

by Elaine (score: 3), 2042 days ago
Thanks for that, Irenke - I didn't realise it was quite that simplistic - always thought it was scoring, awards, just goes to show, one learns every day!
by Kate Blake (score: 3), 2042 days ago
Thanks Irenke have always wondered! Often thought it might be fairer to evenly divide the prize money but good to know there is a system.