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CARE Australia - Walk in Her Shoes

Home > Brisbane > Health and Fitness | Fundraisers | Free | Charity | Personal Development
by Chloe Doyle (subscribe)
Twenty-six year old girl living in Noosa, QLD. I am in love with nature, music, food and animals so you'll see a lot of that here 🌿 See @chloeoliviad on Instagram for more photos from where I've adventured. 🚐⛰
Event: -
Progress starts with a single step
Walk in Her Shoes
Courtesy of Walk in Her Shoes

CARE Australia is an amazing not-for-profit organisation that sets out to "Defend Dignity & Fight Poverty" on a global scale, not just Australia. They have volunteers all over the world hoping to achieve this goal & now they are inviting all Australians to take part in the 'Walk in Her Shoes' campaign.

Between the 10th to the 23rd of October; walkers, runners and joggers are invited to register and partake in a challenge set by themselves for the good of others. Over 13 days you choose a distance between 10-150 kilometres to achieve collectively over the time period. Come the 10th of October your fundraiser is in full swing. Your own campaign is made so easy with the website, letting people donate to you through the website. You can share the campaign amongst your friends, family, work colleagues and so on and see your contribution rise as you get active.

Walk In Her Shoes
Photo Courtesy of CARE website

To register you go onto their website: Walk In Her Shoes. If you join up before the 12th September, CARE will send you out a complimentary pedometer to keep track of all your efforts. This is an amazing cause that hopes to change the lives of so many women and girls in developing countries where in some places the average walking time to get clean water for themselves and their families is 6km. Your fundraising efforts will go towards the countless overseas programs that CARE orchestrates to rebuild and change the lives of so many people across the globe. Just last year, they changed over 2.3 million people's lives in 23 countries thanks to the donations of thoughtful Australians and businesses.

This virtual event is a stepping stone to educate and fundraise for people very much in need. It is a great cause that is free to register for and all you have to do is just complete the challenge you set for yourself. CARE hopes to encourage as many people with the #WalkInHerShoes set up to follow other people's efforts and bring light of the situation so many girls face around the world.

So get running and tagging #WalkInHerShoes today as progress begins with a single step!
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Why? To help those less-fortunate
When: 10th - 23rd of October
Where: Anywhere & Everywhere
Cost: Free to register. Donations appreciated
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