Cardcaptor Sakura Collector's Edition Volume 1 - Book Review
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Cardcaptor Sakura is a popular magical girl manga series that was written and illustrated by the manga group CLAMP from May 1996 to June 2000.
Cardcaptor Sakura is known as a Japanese sh&
#333 ;jo manga which is a manga series targeted toward teenage girls and young women.
Cardcaptor Sakura follows the adventures of Sakura Kinomoto, a ten-year-old elementary school student, who discovers that she has magical powers after she accidentally releases a set of magic cards from a book. Sakura teams up with Cerberus, the Guardian of the Cards, who tasks her with retrieving the cards and getting them back into the book. Sakura becomes a Cardcaptor and is given a magical key, which she can turn into a staff when she cries this catchphrase:
"Key that hides the forces of darkness, show me your true form! By the covenant, I, Sakura, command you. Release!"
As she finds each card, she has to battle and defeat their magical personification, and then use her staff to turn them back into cards.
Cardcaptor Sakura is my favourite magical girl manga series next to
Sailor Moon. It has been called one of the best manga series ever created for kids and has been praised by critics for being an artful blend of magical fantasy, romance and drama.
On 20 August 2019 Kodansha Comics published the first definitive collector's edition of
Cardcaptor Sakura. It is 256 pages long and contains the first few chapters of the manga. The front cover features a colour illustration of Sakura and Cerberus surrounded by feathers. Sakura is holding her magical staff and dressed up in costume. The back of the book features her magical seal which appears under her feet every time she uses magic to activate or capture a card. The interior of the book is nice. The pages are good quality, with a glossy sheen, and not too thin. The ink doesn't smudge and the lettering is easy to read. There are very few colour illustrations in the book which is a shame. The black and white illustrations are still very beautiful though.
I was excited to get a hold of the definitive collector's edition of
Cardcaptor Sakura.Unfortunately, this new hardback edition of
Cardcaptor Sakura did not live up to my expectations. The lovely front cover grew scuffed and the gold lettering and patterned border started rubbing off, which was extremely disappointing. I've also noticed if I flip to the back of the book the spine has cracked there and there is a large tear which will have to be fixed with glue.
Cardcaptor Sakura will always be a favourite of mine. This definitive collector's edition is beautiful to look at, but the book has some issues. Don't let that turn you off this great manga though. It is still a wonderful story perfect for children and teens.
85367 - 2023-06-11 07:08:25