Camels Hump Walk, Mount Macedon
Camels Hump is the highest peak of Mount Macedon, at just over 1000 metres in elevation. The walk to the top is short and steep, and well worth the effort of puffing up the hill. It's a great walk option for visitors who are short on time but want to explore the lovely bushland of Mount Macedon. It can also be incorporated into
a longer walk that loops around Mount Macedon regional park.
The turnoff for the carpark at the start of the walk is on the right-hand side of Cameron Drive on the way up to the Memorial Cross. The information board advises that the walk is 20 minutes return, but it's a good idea to allow more time to look around at the top, and for walkers that might go a bit slower and need rests on the uphill climb.
The first section is the steepest, but the wide path is mostly gravel which makes it easier to walk on (especially on the downhill return). The track passes through a wet forest with tree ferns and dense undergrowth.
Part way up the hill, there's a seat to have a rest at if you need it.
The track then starts to flatten out and the vegetation changes into a beautiful grassy woodland dominated by Snow Gums. This vegetation type
is uncommon in Victoria , and on Mt Macedon, it occurs only in two other exposed rocky sites in addition to Camels Hump - the Memorial Cross Reserve and the Western Lookout.
At the summit, there are steps and a steel staircase to reach the top of the rocky outcrop. At the top, there should be a lovely view… although this is what we saw on the cool winter's day that we were there!
There is also a directional dial at the summit to help identify features in the surrounding landscape.
Camels Hump is an interesting volcanic rock formation called a 'mamelon' (as is the nearby Hanging Rock), formed when thick lava erupts through a narrow vent in the bedrock, congealing and forming mounds or hills around the vent rather than flowing away.
In winter, look out for fungi on the side of the track and in spring, watch for wildflowers.
The walk is part of
Mount Macedon Regional Park , which is dog-friendly. Dogs must be controlled on a leash at all times.
208502 - 2023-06-16 06:11:38