Bruce Hartwig Flying School
Where can you find flaps, elevators, ailerons and rudders? If you guessed on an airplane, you would be right! Now if you didn't know, there is no need to be ashamed. If you wanted to learn more however, I would recommend you try a flying lesson at Parafield Airport. You can choose to do a quick basic lesson which takes approximately an hour, or sign up for longer courses and possibly earn a pilot licence at the end of it. For most people though, a quick basic lesson will suffice.
You experience starts with a fifteen minute briefing. You get to learn the basic components of the plane and the more common terms used when flying. After a quick check of the fuel quality and fuel level, the fun begins! Okay, so the plane isn't exactly a fighter jet from Top Gun, but it is still comfortable enough for you and your pilot. Once we get clearance from the control tower, we make our way on to the runway to take off. Before you know it, we are in the air. Upon reaching a certain altitude, the pilot allows you to take over control of the plane. You get to do a few turns and play around with the controls to see the effects on the plane.
After about 45 minutes in the air, we head back to the airport for a smooth landing. Despite my initial anxiousness, I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I would definitely recommend it.
212916 - 2023-06-16 06:50:36