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Hi Nadine,
I had the same unpleasant experience through buying shoes online because the range is so limited in stores now. I have spent over $300 on 2 pairs of runners from the UK that have caused the fluid sack surrounding the tendons in my ankle to rupture two weeks out from a trail race and only 3 runs using the shoes. My physio said it was the shoes and to throw them away. Now my fitness has fallen and I still have a swollen ankle.

It pays to get the right shoe by trying them on first or like you say a sports podiatrist or a physio, it's cheaper in the long run.
by Lorraine A (score: 3|1646) 3461 days ago
by Nadine Cresswell-Myatt (score: 3), 3461 days ago
Lorraine, that sounds awful for you. All the best for getting on your feet again very soon. Cheers Nadine.