Brisbane Roar FC vs Sydney FC, November 19th Kick off 6:50pm at Suncorp Stadium
Sat 19 Nov 2016
Brisbane Roar FC vs. Sydney FC, November 19th. Kick off 6:50pm at Suncorp Stadium
Football is becoming more and more popular in Australia, with local, club and international matches all being played around Brisbane.
The night of Saturday the 19th is a perfect opportunity to get acquainted with this code, with Brisbane Roar hosting Sydney FC at Suncorp Stadium. This is a great alternative "State of Origin", and promises to be an enticing first match if you have never seen Brisbane Roar play before.
Best places to sit:
For the full experience: "The Den" is located at the northern end of the stadium. Supporters here will stand for the whole game, and the chants are decidedly "salty". If you choose to sit here, just bear in mind that you will be expected to stand and sing for the length of the match.
Family friendly: The southern end. This is a great section for those bringing kids along.
Matches are easy to get to and I recommend catching a train to Roma St, then walking down Caxton Street towards the stadium. This route takes you right past Hotel L.A, the official game day venue for the Den, and marks the start of their march down Caxton Street to Suncorp. A big match such as Brisbane vs. Sydney means that this march will be taken seriously.
So if you're new to Brisbane, or just to this code of football, come along to Suncorp Stadium on Saturday the 19th and #feeltheROAR . You might just be surprised at the strength and size of this culture.
Before hand:
• Purchase a
ticket for free travel before and after the match.
• Check
translink to work out the best travel options for you.
On game night:
• Wear something orange – there is a merchandise store on Caxton Street. There are also official merchandise shops both outside and inside the stadium.
• Sit down to eat in either Caxton Street or the Barracks around 5:30.
• Head back to the top of Caxton Street to see the march around 6:30.
• Go into the stadium and find your seat by 6:45. Grab a match program for $2 near the entrance.
• Walk back to Roma St Station after the game and grab an ice cream from Movenpick on the way.
!date 19/11/2016 -- 19/11/2016
117786 - 2023-06-12 20:15:30